
Educative robotics is a relatively new area, in Portugal. There is still little research about this thematic. For that reason we propose to develop a project aiming to understand how the use of robots as mediating artefacts of learning contributes to meaning production and learning of mathematical and informatics topics and contents, about possible articulation between both domains. We pretend also to contribute to the comprehension of participation in social digital learning environments namely those in which robots are fundamental elements of the learning scenarios.
DROIDE II – adopts a strategy that puts on dialogue the theoretical field and the empirical field of research in four phases: 1) to create problems in Mathematics /Informatics Education which are suitable to be solved using robots and to create robots to solve specific problems in Mathematics/Informatics Education; 2) to create learning scenarios using robots in different learning contexts (scholar and non scholar, and also virtual) and domains of knowledge; 3) to analyse learners practice when solving problems using robots in those different learning contexts; 4) to develop a set of guidelines about using robots as mediators of Mathematics/Informatics learning.

Theoretical framework will be based on Activity Theory articulated with Human Computer Interaction with key concepts of Situated Learning Theories. This will allow us to use knowledge produced in previous or ongoing projects (Pensar a Aprendizagem, DROIDE, PARTICIPAR, LEARN).
The empirical support of the project has as aim to search evidence of : (1) the learning of mathematics/informatics, when robots are mediators of learning that can be done through the identification and description of: a) the shared repertoire that students build in those practices; b) contradictions, in learning environments, that the use of robots give rise; c) how those contradictions give rise to new forms of activity; d) how can the work with robots contribute to the development of mathematics and informatics competences; (2) contributes for learning that occur from the participation in social digital environments that can be done through the identification and description of: (a) how young people make explicit/communicate ways of doing and thinking on those environments; (b) how young people critically but constructively participate on those environments, (c) how people be aware of their own responsibility and initiative that these kind of participation claims. Data collection for analyses and evidence production will be done through: a) learning environments, in which robots have a fundamental role, observation (namely scholar contexts – mathematics classroom (grades 1 to 9) and Informatics (grades 10 to 12), Project Area; and non scholar environments and virtual learning environments); b) informal interviews to the participants. Field work is planned to have duration of 6 month and will take place through the immersion of subgroups of researchers on the field. Work sessions as well as the participants' interviews will be audio and/or video recorded.
Following data analyses sessions will be aiming: a) to understand mathematics and informatics learning and others, when mediated by technological artefacts such as robots; b) to improve problems created to be solved by robots the same manner the robots do address certain problems; b) to improve learning scenarios created; c) to characterize participation in social digital environments. The members of the research team will privilege distance work, having however presential meeting each four months. A platform (Moodle) will be created to support this work. There will be collective and shared writing spaces (blogs, wikis, etc) and spaces for groups (in MSN and iGoogle) The project will have relevant impact in a number of professionals in (mathematics and informatics teachers and other training professionals) both through papers and workshops and through publications in national and international journals.
DROIDE II web-site will be build and feed aiming the diffusion of the work and the valuation of the work that takes into account the technological slope (namely robots). On this website we will share the group presentations and papers. We will also make available: (1) reports of experiences with: (a) video clips; (b) descriptions of the processes and products of the project; (c) summaries of our learning; and (2) learning scenarios descriptions and illustrations.
We will publish a book for teachers and educators, including the problems created on the project and also the learning scenarios descriptions and illustrations.


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